Drainage Leaks: Why Is Your High-Efficiency Furnace Leaking?
Posted on: 6 November 2019
Many homeowners rely on high-efficiency condensing furnaces to warm their homes. Although condensing furnaces work well for many years, they can produce a lot of condensation, or water. Some of the water can leak out of your appliance. You can learn more about your leaking high-efficiency furnace and why it leaks below.
Why Does Your Furnace Leak Right Now?
Under good conditions, condensation leaves the furnace through a drainage line found just below it. If the condensation remains inside the furnace, it has the potential to damage the heating appliance over time. Water could also cause tremendous damage to your home's foundation.
The first thing you could do is check to see if the drainage line contains mold, algae, and other debris. Debris can prevent liquid from channeling into and through the line. If you find a blockage inside the drainage line, clear it. Some sources recommend clearing out the line with a vacuum. You can also try pouring hot water or placing the end of a coat hanger through the line to clear it. If you don't know what steps to take, contact an HVAC service technician instead.
If you do try clearing the line and it still allows water to drip onto the floor or inside the furnace, stop and call a local HVAC contractor for assistance.
How Do You Fix Your Condensate Issue Fast?
Clogged drainage lines can affect many other parts inside high-efficiency furnaces over time, including the blower motor, evaporator coil, and ignition system. A contractor can open up your furnace and examine each of the parts mentioned above. If one or more of the parts have some type of issue to solve, a contractor can provide the recommendations you need to fix them.
If your furnace simply contains too much dust inside it, an HVAC contractor may recommend giving the appliance a good cleaning. Dust not only keeps air from flowing through the appliance, but it can also clog up the flue and ventilation pipe. These lines must be clear enough to channel gas and other substances out of the home.
In addition to the important recommendations and services above, a contractor may suggest that you install an extra drainage line or condensate system on your furnace. Some high-efficiency furnaces require additional support during the winter season, especially if the appliances are in constant use.
If you find condensation inside or around your high-efficiency furnace, call a heating contractor for help or services today.
For more information, contact a residential HVAC service in your area.